
IASIS MCN: A Promising New Approach Backed by Neurofeedback Research

IASIS Micro Current Neurofeedback (IASIS MCN) works on two pathways to promote relaxation and optimize brain function. Firstly, it alleviates the flight or fight response, inducing a profound state of relaxation for enhanced neuroregulation. Additionally, it facilitates the detoxification process within the brain. IASIS MCN neurofeedback is the fastest device on the market for neurofeedback. Clients can experience swifter results and stay at the forefront of long-lasting sustainability with little to no observed reactivity.

IASIS MCN Findings: The Latest Neurofeedback Research

New neurofeedback research demonstrates a remarkable 95% success rate for IASIS MCN neurofeedback (P=95), indicating that most sessions achieve intended outcomes. This significant finding is further bolstered by the absence of reported adverse side effects across 2 million sessions globally. While a slight, temporary increase in perceived symptoms may occur during autoregulation, this is a normal part of the process. It signals a shift from “dorsal vagal freeze” and ultimately facilitates the brain and nervous system’s self-healing abilities.

Micro Current Neurofeedback Published Papers & studies

Discover the compelling evidence behind the effectiveness of IASIS MCN neurofeedback. Backed by three credible studies, including two prestigious University publications and a white paper from the leading European biofeedback Institute.

Passive Neurofeedback Treatments for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: Neuroimaging Changes Detected by MEG after applying Low-Intensity Pulses using Transcranial Electrical Stimulation

Ming-Xiong Huang, Ashley Robb Swan, Annemarie Angeles Quinto, Scott Matthews, Deborah L. Harrington, Sharon Nichols, Barry J. Bruder, Corey C. Snook, Charles W. Huang, Dewleen G. Baker, and Roland R. Lee1

The Effectiveness of Microcurrent Neurofeedback on Depression, Anxiety, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, and Quality of Life

Gloria Yotter Duke, Courtney N., Beverly Sharifian, Gary Duke, & Sandra Petersen

Integration of Micro Current neurofeedback in Clinical Bio and Neurofeedback Practice

Dr. Eva Otzen-Wehmeyer


The University of Texas has had such incredible success with IASIS Technology in mitigating common Behavioral Health problems like anxiety and depression that their research department at the UT Tyler branch has now started two formal research studies on the effectiveness of IASIS. The studies are focused on mitigating anxiety and depression and slowing down the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Additionally, a new double-blinded and randomized research study is now being co-authored by UT Tyler with Matthews Hope Foundation to determine the effectiveness of IASIS in promoting abstinence-based sobriety without relapse in active opioid users. 

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" Using a form of low-impulse electrical stimulation to the brain, documented by neuroimaging, researchers at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine, Veterans Affairs San Diego Healthcare System (VASDHS) and collaborators elsewhere, report significantly improved neural function in participants with mild traumatic brain injury (TBI)."


"Transcranial Neurofeedback for Neuroplasticity: Less Is More, Then, More Is the Best"

Dr. Simon Yu, M.D.

" The latest neuroscience proves that you can reboot and reprogram your brain based on a new understanding of neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity, also referred to as brain plasticity, describes the brain‘s ability to repair itself by forming new neural wiring after stroke, damage, or traumatic brain injury (TBI). The damage may come from physical, emotional, chemical, infection, or EMFcauses. "